Let's unleash the power of togetherness!
Gather your family and embark on epic adventures around the corner and across the globe that are filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories.
Prioritizing epic family adventures can feel impossible sometimes.
Work, volunteer commitments, school schedules, kids activities, homework overload, social time, and a million other “priorities” compete for your family’s time…
Kids get older and develop their own interests (+ their little green Disgust personality appears more and more as you suggest ideas for family adventures)...
And, as our mammas always told us, money doesn’t grow on trees! (Family adventures can be downright expensive!)
But, if you:
Have a family culture of focusing on quality time that includes travel...
Want your tweens/ teens to be curious about the world...
Crave adventures that the parents AND the tweens/ teens will love...
Know that epic family adventures aren't all glitz and glamour...
And, you know that 18 years will go by in a blink of an eye and you don't want to have an "oh sh$t, we've run out of time together" moment in a few years when moving them into their college dorm or first apartment....
Then, I'm thrilled to offer you inspiration to (re)prioritize, plan, and plunge into epic family adventures that will create an amazing legacy of memories.
Hi! I’m Jenny Zachry,
Family Adventure Maven & Author of the "Inheriting Wanderlust" Blog!
I was destined to be someone who never left her hometown…
Until I was thrust into a life of travel at age 10 when I became an army brat, left the only place I’d ever known (Utah), and moved to what was then West Germany.
35+ years (18 with kids in tow), 18 countries and 47 US states later, travel IS life for me.
Learn more about how I am a Cowardly Lion, have some really cool World War II experiences (even though I was born waaaay after the war) , and some other fun things about me!

Inheriting Wanderlust is THE
travel resource and blog for you if:
Your kids are somewhere between 6th grade and college aged, like exploring, and only moan and groan a little about having to spend time with the parents.
Your ideal vacation isn't sitting on a beach for a full week; nor is it jumping out of planes. But rather, its somewhere in the middle as long as it includes exploring, bonding, and some relaxation.
You value weekend explorations in your local area just as much as longer trips to new and exciting places as long as you are doing it together as a family.
While you enjoy foreign trips and exotic islands (or the idea of them), you know adventure awaits you and your tweens/teens around the corner and across the globe.
You want travel advice, tips, and tales from a busy parent of tweens/ teens just like you who gets how hard it can be to prioritize family time (but who also believes there's nothing more important to do!)
Read the "Inheriting Wanderlust" Blog
Here, in this zone made specifically for those of us yearning to continue having fun with our children before they completely grow up, you’ll find inspiration to make memories that'll be topics of conversations and inside jokes for years to come through:
Endless ideas for teen-approved adventures
Travel planning tips that actually pertain to your family’s needs/ desires
Support from a parent who gets how hard it can be to prioritize family time